Selected Publications

A more complete list of peer-reviewed publications is available on my CV and my Google Scholar profile.


    Choosing the Right Tool for the Job: Online Decision Making over SLAM Algorithms.
    Samer B. Nashed, Rod Grupen, Shlomo Zilberstein.
    ICRA 2024. [paper]

    Ethically Compliant Autonomous Systems under Partial Observability.
    Qingyuan Lu, Justin Svegliato, Samer B. Nashed, Shlomo Zilberstein, Stuart Russell.
    ICRA 2024. [paper]


    Formal Composition of Robotic Systems as Contract Programs.
    Mason Nakamura, Justin Svegliato, Samer B. Nashed, Shlomo Zilberstein, Stuart Russell.
    IROS 2023. [paper]


    Selecting the Partial State Abstractions of MDPs: A Metareasoning Approach with Deep     Reinforcement Learning.
    Samer B. Nashed, Justin Svegliato, Abhinav Bhatia, Stuart Russell, Shlomo Zilberstein.
    IROS 2022. [paper]



    Tuning the Hyperparameters of Anytime Planning: A Metareasoning Approach with Deep     Reinforcement Learning.
    Abhinav Bhatia, Justin Svegliato, Samer B. Nashed, Shlomo Zilberstein.
    ICAPS 2022. [paper]


    A survey of Opponent Modeling in Adversarial Domains.
    Samer B. Nashed, Shlomo Zilberstein.
    JAIR. [paper]



    Robust Rank Deficient SLAM.
    Samer B. Nashed, Jong Jin Park, Roger Webster, Joseph W. Durham.
    IROS 2021. [paper]



    Solving Markov Decision Processes with Partial State Abstractions.
    Samer B. Nashed, Justin Svegliato, Matteo Brucato, Connor Basich, Rod Grupen, Shlomo     Zilberstein.
    ICRA 2021. [paper]

    Ethically Complaint Planning within Moral Communities.
    Samer B. Nashed, Justin Svegliato, Shlomo Zilberstein.
    AIES 2021. [paper]

    Ethically Compliant Sequential Decision Making.
    Justin Svegliato, Samer B. Nashed, Shlomo Zilberstein.
    AAAI 2021. [paper]


    Laser2Vec: Similarity-based Retrieval for Robotic Perception Data.
    Samer B. Nashed.
    IROS 2020. [paper]




    Localization under Topological Uncertainty for Lane Identification of Autonomous Vehicles.
    Samer B. Nashed, David M. Ilstrup, Joydeep Biswas.
    ICRA 2018. [paper]


    Human-in-the-Loop SLAM.
    Samer B. Nashed, Joydeep Biswas.
    AAAI 2018. [paper]


    Curating Long-term Vector Maps.
    Samer B. Nashed, Joydeep Biswas.
    IROS 2016. [paper]